Challoch Energy provides high quality technical and commercial development support, research, analysis and strategic solutions for industrial, commercial clients, governments and NGOs. Challoch’s deep understanding of decentralised energy technologies, markets and policies enables us to assist our clients in the following areas:

  • Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and District Heating and Cooling (DHC), Steam Systems
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Renewable Energy
  • Storage and Grid Flexibility
  • Green Hydrogen
  • Crossover between Energy and Transport

Our mission

  • To be recognised as a world leader in the deployment, research and analysis in low carbon energy systems.
  • To bring about a significant and sustainable growth in its value over time
  • To be a model for the sustainable operation of business
  • To support the massive transition for the transport sector into low carbon deployment and the cross-over with the energy sector

Our goal

  • To deliver the best quality advice on low carbon energy and support to industrial, commercial and public sector clients

The deployment of clean, low carbon energy is an essential part of energy policy, both for greenhouse gas reductions and sustainable energy use. In fact, clean, low carbon energy has emerged as a suite of effective solutions to delivering Greenhouse Gas reductions to combat global climate change.

Challoch Energy believes that societies need a mix of energy efficiency, CHP, Renewable Energy and clean transport to meet the challenge of massive reductions in Carbon Dioxide emissions. Whilst technological innovation is necessary to bring forward new and improved technologies, much can and should be done with existing technologies and techniques. Challoch Energy focuses its efforts on helping businesses and governments to deploy clean energy and transport technologies.

Challoch Energy’s deep understanding of clean energy and transport technologies and techniques, markets and policy frameworks makes us ideally placed to provide insight on how to maximise the opportunities, and overcome the challenges, of the emerging clean and smart energy and transport sectors.